What do you think a Global Citizen is?

Whilst our co-ordinator team is in lock down in Tanzania we will be launching a number of different virtual platforms aimed at giving people opportunity to volunteer virtually- helping in our research; contributing music, poems, information, films; helping identify grass-roots projects around the world deserving of support; adding to our store of on-line lesson plans for students of all ages to learn from. Critically we want to create virtual communities capable of impacting positive conservation efforts both locally and globally.  Please read and please help us.

This on-going Vlog managed by CVs Head of Technical Support Patrick Majige aims to offer opinion, support and a voice to anyone concern It focuses on three key actions:

1. Cutting down on plastic waste and , further, ‘offsetting’ any plastic we do consume through our collaboration with The Plastic Bank 

2. Planting trees to offset our carbon footprint in the fight against Climate Change. 

3. Supporting ‘grass-root’  community projects around the world, including at home, on the basis that real change can only be driven at a community level (as opposed to being imposed from above).

Please link to the Global Citizenship Scheme for information on how you can get involved.

We need your help!  We are trying to build a global network of great community projects around the world that we can all collaborate with. Help us to build this network. Contact our Project Manager, Patrick, for details of the kinds of projects we want to identify and the information we require.

​EARTH DAY 2020The 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the world’s largest environmental movement will be necessity be virtual this year (22nd April!). The organisers have identified twelve species to focus on:

As part of Earth Day, we will be working on four areas:

1. Developing fact-sheets on each to include details of conservation threats and issues and identifying projects and organisations that are working towards solution and which we can all help.  If you want to help in this, please contact our Research Manager,

2. Story Telling. Write a short story on any of the animals covered (or indeed, on any animal or environment of interest to you). All stories will be entered into a competition and the best will be incorporated into an EarthDay Story Book. The stories should inspire us all to ‘do something’ to save our nature and the power to do so will be the over-riding criteria in selecting the best for publication. ALL stories received will be published on-line. Contact Story ,

3. Poetry. As with story telling poetry is a powerful form for affecting change. As with story telling we are inviting people to submit poems on any aspect of nature or the environment of particular interest to the writer and, again, as with story telling the best will be published in a special EarthDay publication and all poems will be published. Further information, please contact,

4. Music. If you fancy yourself as a songwriter please submit your song, about nature and/ or the environment and we will put the best to music AND have it recorded. The intent is to identify 15- 20 songs to create a special EarthDay Album. Send your songs to our music co-ordinator , 

  You can also fundraise alongside these challenge in support of the Global Citizenship Scheme with proceeds being allocated to offsetting carbon footprint, reducing plastic pollution or supporting community projects around the world.

They have lots of ideas to help you fundraise. For further information, contact Project Manager, We have built a range of stimulating and enjoyable educational sessions on our CVs website pages. They cover all aspects of nature and the environment as well as social and human rights issues. For individuals or groups in either a real or virtual setting, all sessions are interactive with a view to creating a virtual learning community..

As an organisation we pride ourselves in being entrepreneurial with a capital ‘S’ (for Social!)  If you have an interesting idea of social benefit (eco-tourism, educational, volunteer programme, supporting disadvantaged members of society..)  and want help in building a robust business plan then share your ideas with us. Send your idea to Start planning for a better world, hopefully commencing in the not too distant future.

Do you want to start a social enterprise from home? We can help! Contact Us with your ideas or start a conversation with him to help identify business opportunities right for you.

Do you feel that your opinion carries no weight, that what you think and say is unheard, not important!?

Intelligent Conversations,soon is going to be launched at our Tanzania Eco-Film is a platform for you to have your say. Make a video recording your thoughts and send it, concept originator and Executive Producer 

​He will select the most powerful and important messages to play through our YouTube channel and the we will follow up on issues raised where possible.WOMEN POWERJustine retired early from her career in the Fire Service and now is supporting our team in Tenerife, as an older mentor. She feels there is a huge role for women in middle age to play in supporting youthful efforts to create a better world.

She will be posting thoughts and ideas on what women can do and will be open to suggestions. email is