Wildlife Perpetuate Society is one of the Conservation Society which has dedicate to Conserve, protect the resource which are found in the Wilderness and out of the wilderness for the Aim of CO- exist generation to generation . WPS VISION A sustainable future for the planet, where biodiversity is effective conserved by the people who live close to it supported by the global community, with great implantation and investment in Youth Education and community to ward Wildlife Conservation and Environment Activities. WPS MISSION The mission of the Society is
innovating,perpetuate,rescure,Educating, empowering to conserve natural resources and nature heritage for future generation and to represent and serve the professional community of scientists, managers, educators, technicians, planners, and others who work actively to study, manage and conserve wildlife and habitat worldwide, through sciencebased decision-making. WPS OBJECTIVES Principal objectives of the society are (1) develop and promote sound stewardship of wildlife resource and environment upon which wildlife and human depend. (2) Undertake an active role in preventing human- induced environment degradation. (3) increase awareness and appreciation of wildlife value (4) seek the highest standard in all activities for the wildlife profession (5) To conduct encourage and assist public education program to highlight wildlife conservation issues (6) To conduct relative research that will assist in conservation, rescue rehabilitation and release process and hence contribute to the collective knowledge for the species that we rescue. (7) To provide a forum in which member can exchange information , share expertise and co-ordinate activities of common interest (8)To support in-situ wildlife conservation and research program and promote their integration with ex-situ program in our society.(9) Advocacy and support for implementing effective nation and international wildlife conservation laws and policies . WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 2 WPS ACTIVITY  Conservation  Wildlife Management  Rescue  Education to the Community concern Conservation  Protection of Wild Spices and preserve for the future Generation  Researches  Innovation  Writing Reports to ward Conservation in protected Areas  Training concerning Wildlife and Conservation  Volunteers and Inter exchange of students who live in and persuade wildlife  Tourism Activities , Cultural Tourism ,Dark tourism  Environment conserver initiation Activities  Bird Watch  Wildlife Preacher  Animal Survivor  Wild Animal Monitoring  Endangered Spices  Museum Tours  Wildlife picture Museum collection  Hunters Advocates  Snake bite,Scopion,Spider and Snake capture (Save snake)  Animal Welfare HOW WPS RUN Wildlife perpetuate society we are charity and Non-profit society run it through different supporters and donors also by made different bags equipments and to sell it into different shopping mall and to obtain some capital for running other actives concern Wildlife and conservation, our different products are  Paper bags  Song bird tote WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 3  T-shirt  Hoodies  Mugs CONTACT President; Patrick Budaga Majige (Student –CAWM-MWEKA) –WILDLIFE MANAGER Phone Number: +255752000789 Whatsup Number :+255752000789 E-Mail: budagapatrick@gmail.com, Vice President; Emmanuel Cheyo (Student – SUA) – Bachelor Degree of Animal Science - VETERINARIAN E-Mail:emanuelycheyo104@gmail.com WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 4 WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY (WPS) AFRICAN YOUTH FOR WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (AY4WC) This is one of our program which building a network of youth and investing the right resources in passionate early-career conserve ationists,AY4WC aim to give them support ,opportunities, skill and recognition they need to advance their career and take their wildlife conservation projects to scale and build a better, more sustainable world for people and wildlife. EDUCATION TO COMMUNITY CORNCERN CONSERVATION Our Society (WPS) dedicate to provide aright Education with High level of Discipline, Critical and practical indeed to the community Concern conservation more importantly motivation of community concerns Wildlife Protection cannot be ignored. Target Areas (Project No 1) Phase number 1 a  Buringi chato National Park  Rumanyika National Park  Rubondo National Park Phase number 1 b  Wildlife Management Controlled Areas (WMA) – Manyara ,Arusha, Moshi –Ecosystem  Game Reserves (GR) – Ngorongoro, Serengeti – Ecosystem  Corridors –Manyara-Arusha and Serengeti –Ecosystem  National Parks –(Transitional Boundaries)  Kilimanjaro National Park – MWEKA (TA)  Arusha National Park (TA)  Manyara National Park (TA)  Tarangire National Park (TA)  Serengeti National Park (TA) WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 5 ACTIVITIES (Project No 1)  Education concerns preservation and consersavation of the Natural resources of Mountain Kilimanjaro and it Ecosystem. CONSERVATION EDUCATION PROGRAM TO THE COMMUNITY SURROUNDING KILIMANJARO NATIONAL PARK (KINAPA) Conservation education is the process of communicating and understanding of the characteristics of and need for conservation of natural resources (Thorsell, J.W. 1984).in order to introduce any conservation program or project in any community, conservation education is the pathway to enter the community since it help in broadening local people’s horizon regarding conservation of natural resources found at the protected that live adjacent with. Through conservation education local community will develop the sense of ownership of wildlife and natural resources found in the protected area and in the end the will contribute directly in conservation of resources. PLANNING CONSERVATION EDUCATION PROGRAM 1 Step; Environment situation Kilimanjaro National Park is the one of the amazing park which comprises the highest Mount in Africa Mountain Kilimanjaro. With it ecosystem which comprise of liver line and underground forest, provide habitat for many spices big animals and small animals,reptile,birds and amphibian Kilimanjaro National park surrounded with more than seven 10 villages (local community) .The main fuel used in this community is fire woods and charcoals that are commonly collected from the reserve .As the result because of fire wood collection and charcoals production the deforestation in the park edge is now problem. The possible solution to deforestation problem in edge of Kilimanjaro National Park. Using alternative fuel to run the daily activities like cooking, such alternative fuels are like gases, solar energy and electricity. When the local people near Kilimanjaro National Park will encourage using alternative sources of energy apart from fire wood and charcoals the problem will reduced to minimum level. For the problem to be solved the effort are to be placed forward to educate the local people in collaboration with local government of Moshi district with the villages around Kilimanjaro WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 6 National Park .When the community will be aware on the impact of deforestation to the park and the importance of using alternative fuels, then the problem will be in position of being solved. 2 Step: The audience identification The education program is focused more too adult and young in schools, both male and female who are more participant in conservation in deforestation related issues together with the local government leaders. Female are the main user at home, while male and young’s in field. By educating these adult and young will be advantage as they will be in position of adapting alternative sources of energy instead of fire wood and charcoal. But again the parent is the good teacher to their children. 3 step: The massage convey 4 step: Education strategy selection 5 step: Implementation 6 step: Monitoring and evaluation  Rescure and Rehabilitation of Wild animals SERVING COMMUNITY PROGRAM INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO THE COMMUNITIES  Incubator Manufacture  Husbandly and livestock (Goat new hybrid ,cow)  Fishing Activities  Bio gas Construction system – Home livestock  Hydrophobic system – Livestock  Small Manufacture Industry – Milk, Yogurts, Soap, Chalk INVESTMENT IDEAR TO THE COMMUNITIES  Construction of Community (Village ) ponds, Swamp WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 7  Community (village ) pasture Farm Note; Challenges’ face Community concerns Conservation with their daily life with the presences of Controlled Areas Reserves is due to the Human population increase. Our Society (WPS) is going to solves different Challenges face Communities and Controlled Areas Reserves by having these projects to the communities in order to enjoy the resources which are found in their around Ecosystem  Construction of Swaps for prolonged duration of whole year of presence of Water to the community for their livestock  Establishment of Village land for feed their livestock for whole year without to interfere the controlled Areas.  Note; Due to climate change , a great alternative for the community to feed their livestock within the whole year is to establish a land which is not productive in agriculture and to leave it for pasture with the presence of good grass for whole year  To improve life of the community by single individual by having a simple projects which will pay more money for them and to make buzz and to engaged more in conservation  Small man Industry (Interprenureship)  WPS Nest Making EDUCATING COMMUNITIES ABOUT WILDLIFE By working with local communities across Tanzania National Parks Wildlife Perpetuate Society act as important Center for Learning Educating Communities about Threat to Animals and ways to safety, preservation live along side them is a vital aspect of Wildlife Conservation .Educating a Local farmer about the suffering and damage caused by wing poison could save hundreds of Animals lives As always a great challenge is human population also there is deep- cultural challenges involved with Education program in Tanzania, Witchdoctors still trade in Animal parts for their believe medicine properties. There are also ancient superstations which lead local people to be commended to witchcraft, species commonly affected. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 8 Through Education program at our Society (WPS) we are running into successfully dispelled many myth and helped nature a more positive view of Wildlife in general. AFRICA FOR SUSTAINABLE WILDLIFE CONSEWRVATION MOVEMENT AFRICAN YOUTH FOR WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (AY4WC) CONSERVATION VOICE Wildlife perpetuate society dedicates to cooperate with cell phone companies to collaborate together with various organizations and institution in conservation initiatives on one of our project program “conservation voice” conservation initiatives is going direct to conserve our natural resource by provide regular  conservation education text via phones,  conservation education opportunities via voice call .we are direct conserve the habitat of the wild species and to elaborate the value of our wild species and to protects endangered species .Apart of that as voice conservation is going on to  Promote tourism and promote our cultural and our heritage, and to fight against all illegal activities in our reserves. Several activities are going to take place to elaborate and to give awareness to local communities towards conservation and the value of wildlife in our country. Conservation voice is going to conduct the following activities;  provide education to the community (All Tanzanian),  Tree planting programs initiatives,  Environment conservation initiatives,  Wildlife campaign toward endangered species,  wildlife summit,  conservation television interviews,  Tours, cultural events,  Festival,  Marathons  Canopy program,  Wildlife documentary. Conservation voice on its program conducts; WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 9  Animal welfare,  conserve the ecosystem of Mountain Kilimanjaro by planting trees as prolonged program of planting trees for more than 20 years in each year annual during rain sessions. Conservation Voice is going to open the minds of Tanzanians and different professionals on its program BI-MIMMICRY PROJECT This will go on doing several researches in knowing different behavior and adaptation of wild species and to apply in to our real world toward development of science and technology. Conservation voice is going on to open a way of different opportunities to different professional, scientist and engineers by critical thinking and to come out with new ideas and mind in their field. Projects and researches corporate with different institution in Tanzania such as Engineering institution with cooperate with Wildlife institutions  African College of Wildlife Management, Mweka  Nelson Mandela Institute of Sciences and Technology  Mbeya University of Science and Technology  University of Dar es Salaam  Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology TOURISM ESSENTIAL FESTIVAL Festival play a great role in the development of tourism industry, Festival attract tourists by many element with mostly interesting event of exotic culture ,presented during the event .Beside tourists want to attend event of unusual atmosphere, meet people of similar interest ,and learn more about the world. Festival generate tourist awareness, they have influence on number of WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 10 element of the surrounding space. As festival modifies the physical, social and economic aspect of space. Festival is one of most important goals of tourist trips within event tourism. Festival is a spatial, social-culture and economic phenomena in which people voluntary and temporarily changes their place of residence for recreation and cognitive purpose, as well as in order to gain intellectual and emotion experience. Tourism has much positive consequence, such as generating income or improving the standard of tourists and local inhabitant’s lives. The increasing tourists function lead to the development often co-occurs with an inflow of foreign investment and generation of few jobs in the service sector. Festival Tourism has influence on space, which is why it undergo geographical analysis as  Economic - (established by economic relations generated by human activities  Social - economic (it is an extension of economic space, including social element)  Social - (a subject, imagined space includes the sphere of motivation and individual and group behavior OBJECTIVES OF WPS TO RUN TOURISM ESSENCEAL FESTIVALS  Promote conservation  Advertise our cultural  Promote our cultural heritage  Promote our home tourism industry  Promote and advertise our National parks, Game reserves, WMA.  Promote our conservation areas  Create economic opportunity to all Tanzanian Festivals could identify tourism element of tourist’s space  Natural heritage (include element created by nature and constituting the tourist assets of a given area) WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 11  Cultural heritage ( including the tourist resource of given area created by people within a given space ) which implies non material element ,including cultural event ,such as festivals  Infrastructure or Area’s tourism related resource, which supplement the natural element and make the tourist offer more attractive. ACTIVITIES IN CULTURAL TOURISM AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Cultural tourism  cultural-artistic tourism,  trips festivals (indoor and outdoor),  cultural,  art events Cultural heritage  historical monuments,  folklore,  site of important event etc) The main motive is the participation in cultural event, are  film,  theatre  music,  street festivals, or other event related to entertainment fun and sport Festival tourism is treated not only as cultural tourism, but also as urban and rural tourism. Festivalization-is the process of festival development and their increasing influence on the surrounding WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 12 GOALS OF FESTIVAL Natural Tourism;  promote the natural environment  Protection and sustainable development Cultural Heritage;  Attracting new visitors to material heritage facilities, such as museum or galleries  The possibility to cultivate and development of tourist infrastructure related to cultural heritage  Enabling tourists to have contact with the cultural heritage  Promoting high culture,eg.during art festivals Infrastructure;  Building facilities for the purpose of organizing large festivals, development of tourist infrastructure related to cultural heritage  The development of accommodation and catering infrasture for the purpose of satisfying the festival tourist’s needs Man as a subject of tourist space;  Creating a place where tourists may spend the free time in an interesting way and pursue their interest  An area of exchange of ideas, and views as well as education. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 13  A place where interpersonal relation are started and developed  Promoting the ideal of multiculturalism through festivals, which is particularly important in mult-ethnic societies?  Creating space for sexual minorities to express themselves  Create jobs for the local population in the festival services sector Wildlife Perpetuate Society has dedicate to conduct several festivals urban,rural,national and international wise, for the great sustainable of tourism product (industry) with advertising our cultural and our natural resources found in Conservation Areas, National parks, Game reserve, WMA and preserve our heritage generation to generation. INTERSHIP, INTER-EXCHAGE & VOLUTEER WITH WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY Staunch Management The Staunch Perpetuate management program focused on day –to - day welfare, care and management of wild species in Tanzania stable which offers riding lessons, horse safari, carriage and night time horse rides during the lunar maximum period. The stables are located near Mountain Kilimanjaro in WMA The following a week of induction, you will spend your internship involved in all aspect of holistic stable and Wildlife management  Wildlife Management  Riding –base Activities  Working with guest  Graphical  Conservation activities WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 14 When choosing an Staunch Management intern, we are ideally looking for someone with love with wild animals and horse, who can combine practical experience with an understanding of Wild animal and horse psychology and flair for riding .The staunch are a hive of activities, so we looking for interns who are reliable and can do a good job under minimum supervision. You will need a flexible attitude be able to think on your feet and learn to expect the unexpected. This internship is offered in Tanzania and we operate in partnership with  Tanzania National parks Tanzania WMA’s  Game reserves  Conservation Areas National parks we operate in partnership with Tanzania National parks, Game reserve, Wildlife Management Areas and other cooperative organization. Wildlife Video and Photography Wildlife Perpetuate Society with Wildlife Videographer and Photography internship offer the perfect introduction to wildlife filmmaking and photograph in Africa where else can you expect to see and film some of the world’s most iconic wildlife –often up close and very personal? Accompanying our wildlife conservation research team, your day-to-day duties will include documenting sighting made during wild animal monitoring (hyena), game counts, large predator surveys, and other research programs. Along with wildlife and habitat conservation, your internship will also include time spent in a local community, capturing image that demonstrate how our education and social development approach to conservation. You will be working with an experienced professional photographer who will help you to get the most out of your internship .you may choose to concentrate on film or photograph- or a combination of both. Either way, you will have the opportunity to spend your days in the African bush to create an enviable portfolio of work. This internship is offered in Tanzania WMA’s,where we operate in partnership with our National parks .You will ideally have ,or be working towards a relevant qualification and will be WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 15 confident with stills and video cameras. We are looking for technical skills but even more importantly, a creative eye. FUNDRASING & MARKETING The life hood of any charity is the money donated by others, whether through individual and corporate giving, or via grant funding. This internship will allow you to become involved in all aspect of promoting the activities of the charity and its partners. Someday, being a fundraising and marketing intern will undoubtedly feel like a hard slog, but a frequently as I can be thankless, it can also be deeply rewarding, so make sure you are prepare to take the rough with smooth. There is (unfortunately) a considerable amount of time spent setting behind a laptop; answering emails, update databases ,carrying out research on internet,etc.It is this ‘paperwork ‘that form the nuts and bolts of fundraising and marketing ;the real legwork that take place behind the scene and is an essential part of our work. As fundraising and marketing intern you will ideally have or be working toward, a relevant qualification and have some previous work experience in this field. On a person level ,you will need to be self-motivated and discipline, but still flexible in your approach, There is a lot to learn ,explore, and develop for yourself. So a creative mind and the ability to think on your feet are essential. We offer location for your internship  Tanzania WMA’s  Game reserves  National parks  Conservation Areas We operate in partnership with Tanzania National parks, Game reserve, Wildlife Management Areas and other cooperative organization. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 16 CONSERVATION EDUCATION TO YOUTH Wildlife Perpetuate Society Education center in Tanzania (Arusha-Manyara-Kilimanjaro) is the first education facility of its kind in Tanzania ,providing a conservation –based curriculum, not available elsewhere in the current education system for children in (Standard 3 - 7 ) in primary education and in (form 1-4) in secondary education up to university level. As a conservation Education intern, you will be working alongside our experienced teacher, as well as project volunteer, both in the classroom and in field .you will gain hands-on teaching experience, while contributing to the protection and preservation of African’s wildlife through conservation education. Your days will be long, but at the end of each one, you can be sure that you have helped to make a real difference to the people you have met. The syllabus you will be helping to deliver encompasses environment conservation ,ecology, and Biodiversity, sustainability ,and wildlife ecology and management and tourism ,with the aim of increase student’s awareness of their environment issues, and ability to appreciate it as a source of benefit and therefore something to conserve ,manage and sustain . When choosing a conservation Education intern, we are looking for a candidate with relevant background in conservation and preferably with teaching experience. On a personal level, initiative and go to and have the confidence to lead students and classes This internship is offered in Tanzania WMA’S where we operate in partnership with our parks RESEARCH IN THE COMMUNITY Research in the community interns work closely alongside our community and research staff to implement and asses projects designed to benefit local communities directly and indirectly affected by our conservation effort. Project will vary from site. you might developing an assessment of English literature in schoolchildren, helping implement and monitor a successful conservation education programmed to children and /or adults who live in human- wildlife conflict hotspots, teaching English and Math in local school with minimal resources, helping us to change community attitude and behaviors towards deforestation, engaged in strategy to mitigate human wildlife conflict, or offering healthcare education and assistance. When choosing a research in the community intern , we are ideally looking for a candidate or graduate or undergraduate, post graduate ,although we are able to accept sufficiently motivated WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 17 current student in selected project location .You must clear have an interest in local communities, animals/wildlife and the conservation .prior research experience is preferable .on a personal level ,you need to be very focused and dedicated as the research work is often done in all challenge environments.Compasion couple with clear understanding of scientific principal is also needed. We offer in different location for internships  Tanzania WMA’s  Game reserves  National parks  Conservation Areas We operate in partnership with Tanzania National parks, Game reserve, Wildlife Management Areas and other cooperative organization. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION RESEARCH A critical part of Wildlife Perpetuate Society‘s work is the research we undertake at all our project sites. Interns work closely with our technical on the collection and analysis of data .participants are also actively involved in the creation of new studies, monitoring existing ones, and creating reports that reflect the progress of each research program. Programs vary from sites to sites and some operate at certain time as of the year only, but you could be involved in research in the following areas;  Lion Behavioral observation  Giraffe Behavioral observation  Leopard Behavioral observation  Hyena monitoring  Human wildlife conflict mitigation  Elephant research  Biodiversity studies When choosing a wildlife conservation Research intern, we are ideally looking for a candidate, undergraduate, and post-graduate, although we are able to accept sufficient motivated current WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 18 students. You must clearly have an interest in animal/wildlife and their conservation and prior in the field research experience is preferable .on a person level; you need to be extremely focused. Attention to detail is vital in this field. We offer several locations for your internships  Tanzania WMA’s  Game reserves  National parks  Conservation Areas We operate in partnership with Tanzania National parks, Game reserve, Wildlife Management Areas and other cooperative organization. TEACHING IN AFRICA As a Teaching in Africa intern, you will be working alongside staff at schools and orphanage both urban and rural. Resources are stretched and the day are long but at the end of each one, you can be sure you have made a difference to the people you have met. You will spend much of your time in class assisting the local teacher, Age and Class size will vary, but you will usually be working with student from (Standard 3 - 7 ) in primary education and in (form 1-3) in secondary education and university level. You input may involve planning and delivering lesson, marking work, supporting small groups who are struggling and provide one-to-one support to those who need most. This is something classes teachers in Africa simply do not have time for, but is vitally important to ensure that every child has an equal chance to learn .We provide volunteers to assist in class, so you may be involved in coordinating the efforts. We are looking for a relevant background in teaching and the ability to plan and deliver lesson on a wide range of topics to studies of all abilities .On a personal level, initiative and a ‘go to’ attitude are a must class teacher are busy and are looking for interns who are reliable and can do a good job under minimum supervision .you will need to be able to think on your feet, have the confidence to lead classes, and engage children from often difficult backgrounds. We offer several locations for your internships  Tanzania WMA’s WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 19  Game reserves to the community nearly  National parks to the community nearly  Conservation Areas to the community nearly We operate in partnership with Tanzania National parks, Game reserve, Wildlife Management Areas and other cooperative organization WILDLIFE PREECHEARS AND WILDLIFE ADVOCACY Wildlife Perpetuate Society dedicate to corabollate with different religion (dominion) (churches, Temple and Mosque ) to speak out about conservation of the natural and wildlife spices, after services also through different clubs which will be formed ,. Example  CASFETA For Wildlife Conservation (CASFETA4WC)  TYCS For Wildlife Conservation (TYCS4WC)  UKWATA For Wildlife Conservation (UKWATA4WC)  ASA For Wildlife Conservation (ASA4WC) This is one of amazing program where we will take place after the services which will provide an education in the church, temples and in Muslim through their preachers, this program will enright the community to have different clubs which will take care for the nature by doing several charity activities like a forestation, preservation and rescue program. This will going on with creating several drama, cinema, novels and more interesting stories to the clubs members who will be under a certainly domination which preach toward the nature, conservation and wildlife. REPORTS TOWARD CONSERVATION IN CONSERVATION IN PROTECTED AREA (TANAPA, NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA, MONAMENTS, MUSEUM) With several research which will be conducted by Wildlife perpetuate society through scientist and expertise in our society, we are going to provide a actual reports to the protected areas and in conservation areas, which will help in advice and uses of technical ways in conserve the nature, WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 20 habitat, and biodiversity with equal opportunity in conservation and preservation between community and the natural resources. WILDLIFE GALLERY MUSEUM Wildlife perpetuate has dedicate to collect several picture which will be taken in the wilderness for the aim of non-consumptive and recreation , which will be collected together in WPS museum , and to be sold during the annual exhibits or festival. This is great chance for the photography to elaborate more their work and to advertise in our WPS museum and to get the chance to enter into annual pictures during the exhibits and festivals. MUSEUM TOUR Wildlife Perpetuate Society on it mission to expand tourism activities in our local and national museum, this will held with our society scientist who has dedicate their knowledge on conducts several tour in museum with different tourist (natives and non native), for the aim of showing our culture and to explain our history . HUNTERS ADVOCATE Wildlife Perpetuate Society on it mission dedicate to protects and to defend the legal right of the hunter, on their activities toward sustainable use of the wildlife resources and utilization. Wildlife Perpetuate Society has different professional lawyers who are willing to protect the right of the hunter, according to the wildlife and conservation act, we are willing to solve conflict which happens between hunters and the community. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 21 ANIMAL SURVIVOR Wildlife Perpetuate dedicate to conserve the wild animals with their title, this initiate the value of the wildlife species, and we are much concern to preserve the nature through survivor program. A-ntipoarching activities and law enforcement. We are regarding to ask for several supporters who will assist to save Africa Wildlife and salve wild spices, Supporters and donors will support several initiatives which will facilitate in save wild spices and conserve the nature for the co-existence generation. One of our Survivor program is to initiate the conservation of endangered spices and endemic species and Big five animals found in Tanzania and in Africa. PROBLEM ANIMAL CONTROL AND HUMANI-WILDLIFE CONFLICT MANAGEMANT Wildlife Perpetuate Society dedicates to solve conflict between animals and community. Problem animals cause a lot of damage to property, injury and loss of human life, it is very different to eradicate damage however we can reduce the damage frequency intensity and effects. Wildlife perpetuate Society dedicate to solve different conflict between wild animal and community ,we are well organized to control conflict between wild animals and human by use techniques ways through our scientific society we are dedicate to control by use different methods as Community awareness Awareness rising can be carried out in the community at different level, in schools or in adult education in farmer field schools. Education and training activities could be directed towards disseminating  innovative techniques  building local capacity for conflict prevention  resolution and  increase public understanding of human – wildlife conflict WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 22 HUMAN VIGILANCE Vigilance is an important component of crop or livestock protection and human wildlife conflict management, the fear of human normally dissuades animal from committing damage. Farmers need to cooperate among themselves to manage the watchtowers and set up duty rosters.  Dogs can be effective in protecting homestead and livestock from attack by predators  Donkeys are mostly used as guard animal  Donkey in hard of cattle is mostly used against lions Guard Animal Guard animal provide an alternative to a herder monitoring a flock, which is labour – intensive, time – consuming and costly, this reducing incidences of human – wildlife conflict, especial where cheetahs and spotted hyenas are concerned FENCING Fences are completely effective in preventing conflict between people and wild animal, are used to protect crops and to protect people and livestock  Electric fencing is one sophisticated and effective solution it is more durable due reduce physical pressure from animal, it deter wide range of species, and it is more aesthetically appealing, fences also help prevent transmission of certain endemic contagious disease.  Traditional barriers Plant hedge of various spiny (Caesalpinia decapetala) and species of Euphorbia, Opuntia and Agave) have the advantage of being a low – cost solution, effective against both carnivores and ungulates. NON-LETHAL CONTROL  Deterrents method. Are designed to repel animal from the targeted resources .They can be grouped into several categories according the sense they target WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 23  Hearing  Sight  Smell  Taste  touch Types of Deterrents which our society start to implement to be used in community to repel away problem animals.  Acoustic deterrents Are used to shock wildlife away by emitting an unexpected loud noise or specific sounds know by scare wildlife.  Olfactory deterrents;  Visual deterrent ENVIRONMENTAL/HABITAT MANAGEMENT Wildlife perpetuate Society dedicate to assist by provide a right methodology and educate on uses of divisionally tactics in providing alternative sources of food or water in an attempt to lessen competition of wildlife with people for crops or water this methodology is less commonly used in management approach. Improvement of habitat in protected areas and their buffer zones retain wildlife longer and thus, decrease the intensity of crop riding. LAND USE MANAGEMENT Land use planning is a basic human- wildlife conflict management strategy with offers possibly the best chance of overall and long term succession and mitigation, it tackles the root of the problem. Option  Planning and manipulating the distribution of human activities  Zone around protected areas. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 24 SNAKEBITE, SCOPION, SPIDER AND SNAKE CAPTURE (SAVE SNAKE) (COMMUNITY BASE SANAKE SEVE PROGRAM) Wildlife Perpetuate Society dedicates to provide snake, scorpion, spider and reptile education. We provide snake awareness, behavior, identification, and what to do if snake or scorpion or spider is encountered, as well as first aid for snake pit, scorpion sting and spider bites, also our society taught how to remove and relocate venomous snake using only the safety protocol. Wildlife Perpetuate Society provides an education on how to treat snake, snake capture and snake handling, we corporate with public institution. RESCURE AND REHABILITATION OF WILD ANIMALS Wildlife perpetuate Society dedicate to rescue Wild animals, like Squirrels ,bushbaby,Monkey,Chimpaze,bobcats,Skunks,raccoons and many other mammals along with over 100 species of birds and some reptiles. The Animals who come to us for help we have been Orphaned Injured or displace, we see the majority in all year during high season and lower season. We do rescure throughout the year, day and night .Adult squirrels hit cars, orphaned, bush baby whose mother have been killed by dogs or human, baby birds who have fallen from nests and cannot be reunited with their parent, and raccoons caught in live trap and transported mile away leave their babies to starve and just few of the situation that bring animal to our nursery care. WILDLIFE RESCUE NEST Wildlife perpetuate Society in it program of rescue Nests for wildlife Rehabilitators, typically used for birds or small mammals and easy to crochet or knit to any size needed. We are Non-profit society, with our Nest project are made by WPS through Community Education Actives to the village we work with them and to be donated to Wildlife WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 25 We hope to build a network of people to help supply nests to wildlife rescue centre in different corridors, and in all national parks, Game reserves and in controlled Areas. Why choose these experiences If you’re passionate about saving Wildlife species in Africa always dreamed of work hand-on with animals or you’re taking the next step on your wildlife rehabilitation career, this is right choice for you.Amoung other skill you’ll gain experience of animal care and husbandry,Wildife management and rehabilitation methods .  Work hands-on to save Africa Wildlife  Learn new career skill from experience Wildlife rehabilitation professionals  WPS we’re a small charity dedicate to provide a safe-haven for wild mammals, in need of hearing and advocate by provide rescure,treatment,rehabilitation and release wild animals into wildlife in need. Our Staff of Animal caretakers, Apprentiences and volunteers care for the animal are from different colleges around Tanzania With different Ambassadors from Kenya, Mozambique,Congo,Rwanda,Uganda,Ethiopia,Sudan,Namibia,Botswana,Malawi,Zambia ,South Africa,  College of African Wildlife Management ,MWEKA – (CAWM)  Sokoine College of Agriculture –(SUA)  University of Dar es salaam –(UDSM)  Southern Africa College of Wildlife – (SAC)  Makerere University Kindly you’re warmly welcome to be one of our ambassadors in your country Kindly contact us WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 26 budagapatrick@gmail.com WPS Collaborative effort by various key Wildlife Agencies is key to ensuring wildlife security using desired tools and equipment. However passion, love and commitment to conservation work with high level of discipline is critical, more importantly motivation of wildlife protection team cannot be ignored. WILDLIFE PERPETUATE SOCIETY 27 AFRICA FOR SUSTAINABLE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT(A4SWCM) AFRICAN YOUTH FOR WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (AY4WC) Join Our Team CHALLEGE YOURSELF, SET HIGHER GOALS AND CONTRIBUTE TO A BETTER WORLD FOR PEOPLE AND WILDLIFE