Conservation Voice Non Governmental Organizationis that is focused on natural resources 
conservation activities with engaging programmes in form of TV series, panel sessions, 
debate, seminar, awards and forums. The name of the programme is SAVE THE EARTH.
The programme facilitates the development and exchange of ideas and lessons 
pertaining to contemporary conservation issues in Africa.


 Save The Earth program act as bridge between conservation practitioners,
scientists and policymakers in a conducive environment to solve real-world problems.
It integrates a broad range of disciplines in a meaningful way and creates or
strengthens connections both within and between disciplines. It provides an effective
platform for researchers to demonstrate the relevance of their work in addressing real￾world conservation problems, and to identify new applied research opportunities and
direction. It also provides a platform for training on methods for conservation and

The main purpose of SAVE THE EARTH programmes is to ensure that the Africa natural
resources are used for wildlife and tourism business in order to accrue benefits to
support conservation of the area, people’s livelihoods and country’s socioeconomic
development agenda.
We see the loss of biodiversity as the greatest crisis of our time. The sheer number of
humans and the scale of our impact on the Earth have triggered the most massive
wave of extinctions. Unraveling ecosystems and associated species loss are severely
undermining the planet’s ecological health, upon which all of us, non-human and
humans alike, depend. Climate change now threatens to accelerate this assault on

The mission of SAVE THE EARTH programs is to support education and advocacy on 
conservation and wild Nature. We carry out this mission primarily through the following:
 Conservation TV series, 
 Conservation seminar, 
 panel sessions, 
 debates on conservation, 
 forums, 
 Publications
 trips and tourism 
 Conservation awards to honor individuals or organizations or community leaders 
- who works hard and well to start and/or support environmental conservation of 
any kind, social enterprises that are environmentally friendly. 
We believe that stopping the global extinction crisis and achieving true ecological
sustainability will require rethinking our values as a society. Present assumptions about
economics, development, and the place of human beings in the natural order must
be reevaluated. Nature can no longer be viewed merely as a commodity—a
storehouse of “resources” for human use and profit. It must be seen as a partner and
model in all human enterprise.
We begin with the premise that life on Earth has entered its most precarious phase in
history. We speak of threats not only to human life, but to the lives of all species of
plants and animals, of the entire ecosphere in all its beauty and complexity including
the natural processes that create and shape life's diversity. It is the grave and growing
threats to the health of the ecosphere that motivates our activities.
We believe that current problems are largely rooted in the following circumstances:
• The loss of traditional knowledge, values, and ethics of behavior that celebrate the
intrinsic value and sacredness of the natural world and that give the preservation of
Nature prime importance. Correspondingly, the assumption of human superiority to
other life forms, as if we were granted royalty status over Nature; the idea that Nature
is mainly here to serve human will and purpose.
• The prevailing economic and development paradigms of the modern world, which
place primary importance on the values of the market, not on Nature. The conversion
of Nature to commodity form, the emphasis upon economic growth as a panacea,
the industrialization of all activity, from forestry to farming to fishing, even to education
and culture; the rush to economic globalization, cultural homogenization, commodity
accumulation, urbanization, and human alienation. All of these are fundamentally
incompatible with ecological sustainability on a finite Earth.
• Technology worship and an unlimited faith in the virtues of science; the modern
paradigm that technological development is inevitable, invariably good, and to be
equated with progress and human destiny. From this, we are left dangerously
uncritical, blind to profound problems that technology has wrought, and in a state of
passivity that confounds democracy.
• Overpopulation, in both the overdeveloped and the underdeveloped worlds,
placing unsustainable burdens upon biodiversity and the human condition.
As our name suggests, we are influenced by the SAVE THE EARTH which helps guide
and inform our work. We believe that values other than market values must be
recognized and given importance, and that Nature provides the ultimate measure by
which to judge human endeavors.